A Page to Remember

The team end up with a papyrus page sent to Pier from Orleans. When one of them reads it an old enemy resurfaces.

Plot points/Scenes

The team get word that Pier, the once posessed prisoner, has died under mysterious circumstances. He seems to have recieved a letter from Orleans, and when left with it, he died violently in agony torn apart by something exceptionally slim. What is this letter, and who sent it, and why?   It is easy to find that the letter was sent by a servant of the la Merchand family, specifically to Pier under the allusion of it concerning a pardon for the murders, but it contained an old papyrus page with a set of Old Egyption script on it. This has been altered and modelled on a spell from the Egyptian Book of the Dead to condemn the reader to an eternity in the Underworld.   In this case it summoned an individual to take him there, none other than Stitchscar.   Reading this will summon her and mark the person as someone who has the desire to go to the Labyrinth with her. The reader will soon be targetted by her and they will have to find a way to block any attempt.   Certain blessings & wards by the local priests will work in the long run, but they must get a few ingredients first. The first is a thumb sized piece of Mistletoe's Blood Clot. This they have access to.   The second is a flower of Passion's Kiss, and can be got from the swamp where they may get attacked by a random animal.   The third is water from a stream in the Central Massif in the north of it a few miles north west of the fort. It will be protected by a guardian who does not take kindly to anyone trying to take anything from the stream. The defenders seem to be a pack of Displacer Beasts 1d4+1 who attack almost on sight, especially when leaving.   Mixed together and drunk while blessings happen during the whole process will stop Stitchscar, at least for the forseeable future the person should be fine.   If the process is disturbed, then it may not work, or make it worse.   She'll try to take them as quickly as possible if not stopped and they can fight back. If killed they will disappear into the gateway that Stitchscar opens.       When done, they end up starting the adventure: Under Eschbach's Tower.
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