Additional Rules for Poisons in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Additional Rules for Poisons

For the additional drugs & poisons that are listed, for them to work, listed here is some rules to flesh out how to use them. The rules are in addition to those found in the DMG.   The first rule is that weapons & ammunition can be coated with one dose each from the concentrated form of substance. The victim has to make an average of DC 12 Constitution saving throw and be poisoned for a turn. Also, the DM can also allow for bonus damage of 7 2d6 poison damage to be applied.   The second rule is that to use the drug or poison, the concentrated form must be used, usually by processing it from the source. Herbalism or Medicine proficiency, or the use of an Intelligence roll against DC 15 must be used to prepare it. This would give an average of one vial, allowing it to be used three times on a weapon, or on ten ammunition pieces.   Thirdly, the DM can agree to some or all of the effects caused by the drug or poison overrides the basic rules here.   Fourth is that it takes up to 1 1d4-1 hours for the drug to take effect if ingested ,and changes to 1 1d4-1 minutes if inhaled or injected into the target by other means. This way the full effects of the drug takes effect overriding the basic weapon method.   Fifth is that it takes one turn to poison a weapon, 5 ammunition, or prepare it in food, drink or to have it ready to be took in by other means.


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