Alcohol Item in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil





Psychoactive Properties. The active ingredients can cause hallucinations & negative effects leading to disadvantage in any roll required while under the influence. Can be used as a spell component in some spells at the DM's discretion.   Possible Allergen & Overdose. There is always a risk that the person that uses it is allergic to the compound or takes too much (which is easily done with this drug). On a 50% roll 1d100 , the user has to make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 2d6 poison damage.   Addiction. There is a relatively high chance that the user can become addicted to this substance. After using this on 5 consecutive times, the user has to make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or become addicted having one level of exhaustion per 24 hour period. Each 24 hour period requires a further saving throw with disadvantage until passed, then they start to remove one level of exhaustion after that, and no more saves are needed.  Withdrawal can lead to intense negative effects and cause permanent damage of -1 to all Stats, as well as causing 7 2d6 poison damage permanently to the user's Hit Point total.   Possible Flammability. In concentrated form alcohol is quite flammable and to a lesser degree, explosive Blast radius is 10 feet by 10 feet cone. It does 7 1d10+2 fire damage this way.

Alcohol is a common commodity in the 9th Century. It is brewed, and distilled to a lesser extent, throughout most of the known world. Used as a regular drink alongside water, it can be used to cook with, in shamanistic & religious practices, and in medicine. The use of it dates back millennia if not longer.

Cost: 1 CP upwards
Weight: 0.5 lb

Item type


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