Amber Longsword

Amber Longsword


Legendary Requires Attunement

Magical Weapon. Due to it's nature, the amber longsword is magical weapon giving it a +1 bonus to hit and to wound.   Prescient Blade. Due to it containing a shard of an unborn deity, the amber longsword can divine the near future. If attacked by a creature using a melee weapon attack, the sword can be used to help block the attack as a bonus action to parry it. The wielder's AC is increased by +1 for this.

Amber longswords are made of amber from the Baltic Sea region, and rumoured to be connected to Baltia. A few Elves & Dwarves are rumoured to possess the knowledge on how to make and maintain these. A rare amount of these blades is even said to be from Baltia itself, though there is no substantial proof.

They are worth a fortune, and many a noble would bankrupt themselves to happily own on. This in part is due to the scarcity of the amber longswords, and the awe of others concerning the nature of the weapon. It is primarily a weapon, and by it's nature help to defend those who wield it from harm.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8 / 1d10 Slashing

Cost: 500000gp
Weight: 3 lb

Item type
Weapon, Melee


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