Arsenic Item in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil





Highly Toxic. Arsenic causes 19 3d12 poison damage, and the victim is poisoned. They have to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, and on a fail takes 7 2d6 necrotic damage over the next 2 1d4 hours. If successful, the victim takes the initial poison damage only.   Possible component. At the DM's discretion, arsenic can be used as a spell component or in a single go at Medicine, or other form of healing, roll.

Arsenic is found from Novgorod to Siberia & Asia, as well as north west Africa. It is highly toxic, and when mixed with other minerals, can be used as medicine in small enough doses.

Cost: 500 gp
Weight: 0.5 lb

Item type


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