
A Baron is a rank regularly used in many regions of western continental Europe. It is one of the lower ranks and associated with a smaller parcel of landownership referred as a Barony. In this instance a baron acts as a manager of an estate and any peasants residing on the land. In each case the baron can be called up for military service along with any serfs. Also, taxes are raised and it is the duty of the baron to help with raising it, as well as storing it until the tax collectors can retrieve it. The title is hereditary and usually passes to the eldest son or closest male heir. The wife of a baron is known as a baroness, and can still use the title after his death, living on the estate, though not necessarily in the main residence. The main building is a fort or heavily defended large house that can act as a local bank, local court, and military building. Usually a small chapel is attached primarily for use of the family and can run services too for the local serfs.
Nobility, Hereditary


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