Black Elf Brides of Blood

Black Elf society has many religious factions within it. One of these factions is the worship of blood gods, and attracts all manner of cultists. When battle is called, they flock to the battlefield in numbers dressed in flexible spiked leather, large knives & other blades at hand, ready to shed blood. The only thing separating these mobs from other fanatics is the fact they are all female. With most of the Black Elf spiritual elite being female, this makes some degree of sense. The mobs are dangerous in the extreme and act like shock troops, even when though the numbers can be small in quite a few cases. Their weapons & spikes laced with spider poisons, the Brides launch into the nearest enemy units hacking & slashing at every body part in reach. Most commanders send these units in to absorb the worst of what the enemy can send, hoping to tire out the enemy, or waste time or ammunition. This doesn't always work though, and a few Brides get through causing a bit of damage


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