Black Elf Crossbowmen

Black Elf Crossbowmen are experts with crossbows. Mobbed up they are trained to use all manner of crossbows, and each are then assigned to units which regularly use a specific type of crossbow. This allows the right type of unit to be employed in the right army make up. Many are in units of medium or heavy crossbow units used to protect flanks or the rear of the army, when not targeting enemy units. A few units of hand bow wielding units are used too, getting in close with the main battle line, and softening up the enemy before the main push. All are armed with medium armour and have rapiers or short swords as back up weapons. Helmets are common too, in case of being fired upon. Smaller crossbows of all types are used as part of skirmishers too, as well as snipers armed with them to harry enemy leaders.


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