Black Elf Sauron & Spider Riders

Black Elves use two mounts in particular, a creature called a Sauron, and large poisonous spiders. They are generally lightly armoured, armed with a spear, battle axe, and a hand bow, the cavalry hit hard no matter what they are mounted on. The difference lies only with the type of steed. A Sauron is a bipedal reptilian creature similar to a large dinosaur with clawed hands at the front, a large powerful fang-filled mouth, and two larger back legs with claws. Always hungry it will happily charge into the melee to eat, and a good sense of smell to hunt down fleeing enemy. The spiders are grown by families or clans of Black Elves for their poison, and some make good riding beasts if tamed early. They are not the fastest of cavalry but allow the rider to climb over some of the worst terrain possible, even upside down, and can produce webs to capture enemy. Their bite is potentially fatal to any enemy they surprise.


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