Brewers Brewing

The team (particularly Reolus), has the chance to start up a brewery. How will they go about it?

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The team (especially Reolus), has the chance to build & name a brewery. Not as simple as it sounds. The Master Dutch Brewery will send a few of the specialised gear needed, plans, and brew master to them to get this started. What they need to do now is to assemble the brewery and stop anybody muscling in or taking the hump.   The team are able to find a good few spots slightly up the stream / small river to get fresh water. Some of the ground works well, and the trees can be used for timber. They need to employ a few carpenters, blacksmiths & coopers to get working and will take about a week to build the basics, and then get started on the basics of the actual brewing process. This will involve bread so they may have to approach the local bakers to get the necessary bread.   All told it will cost the following:
  • carpenters - 3 silver, 4 copper
  • blacksmiths - 5 silver, 9 copper
  • coopers - 4 silver, 7 copper
  • bakers - 1 silver, 2 copper
  • general labour - 2 silver, 8 copper
  They will find that they need some specialist gear that are missing, general spigots and copper along with 2 large copper pots & 7 copper pipes. This they hear can be got from the goblins in the west at the edge of the lands. They will charge the team 3 gold for it, and a further 1 gold to deliver these to the town. They have to be persuaded to do this, and had stolen allthis from mining camps in the Central Massif.   Also, a few heavies from rival breweries & rival independent brewers are likely to appear & try to put them out of business. They can be 'persuaded' to go away or to act on the team's behalf if they are compensated the right amound 1d6 .   Also, the team easily have access to barrels produced by the coopers, but if they want bottles a bottle maker or more may need to be employed costing a further 9 copper per 12 bottles made of hardened clay. If they try glass hey will need a glass make costing 4 silver per 12 bottles. This they may need to search for, especially the latter. The teams contacts may need to be asked, and they may ask for payment of 1 copper per person asked.   After that they have to set the price for casks & bottles, and may have to start shipping. This will cost them 2d6 gold to do adding +1 gold for greater distances. They may employ messangers to rove ahead if outside town to russle up trade.
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