Brothels are found in many large settlements, usually in or around towns, cities and the like. In many Christian lands they would be outside the city walls as they are seen as sinful, but necessary, to stop adultery, masturbation, and sodomy. In many other cultures they are viewed as a necessary evil, and usually kept to specific parts of the settlement. Sometimes there may be two basic types of brothel in the same community, usually in larger settlements. One will take in any clientele of any social rank, but regularly services the lower class & some of the middle class. The other will be of higher repute catering for the upper class & the middle class who can afford it. The former is usually has lower standards, such as the upkeep of the rooms, and such being of lesser quality, along with working girls of which some are past their prime, or questionable to say the least. The latter keeps its building in better condition, along with cleaner & less unkempt rooms, along with vetting the working girls to get those with higher standards. Also the latter generally avoids appealing to the less savoury aspects of society. A few will have the odd male courtesan too, though many societies (at least in Europe & the Middle East), extremely disgusting due to religious, political or social standards at this time. The landlord or owner of the establishment usually takes payments & bookings, as well as letting the clients know both what is expected of them, and what services are provided. Also, it is regularly expected for payment to be made up front, along with it being kept in a strongbox, in a difficult to reach placement, and payment to the prostitutes made every week depending on their 'workload'. A portion of the money is used for maintenance, protection (usually bodyguards / thugs), and sometimes bribes to officials to turn a blind eye to what is happening in the establishment.
Purpose / Function
Established prostitution
Owner or landlord, bodyguards or thugs, prostitutes, clients.
Brothel / Whorehouse