Bulgarian Khaganate

The Bulgarian Khaganate is in control of the region east of Croatia, and north of the Byzantine Empire, to the north west is Frankia, and the Bulgarians control the Lower Danube, a part of the coast of the Black Sea, and a large portion of the Carpathian Mountains. The land has been invaded many times, in the past by Goths, Avars, Romans, the Huns, Dacia, Samaritans and other Germanic & Slavic tribes. Not much is known who exactly is ruling the country at this time. It takes in or has ties to Moldova in the east, Wallachia in the south, and to Transylvania to the west.   The country has plenty of fishing, especially along the coast of the Black Sea, and game is plentiful in the Carpathians, and farming takes place in the lowlands. The Carpathians are in the west, while the Black Sea & lowlands are in the east. Settlements, such as villages, towns, and the odd city are found, though never in the same size as some of their neighbours in the north west, or southern regions. A fur trade and mining related trades are common due to the mountains,, as well as their fishing trade that can be fruitful in the northern regions with no access to any sea.   The country has a bad reputation due to political instability, due to the amount of previous invasions, and the three districts (Wallachia, Moldova, and Transylvania) constantly vie for either overall power or separation from the whole. It is ruled as a Khaganate at present though both the Roman Catholic & Eastern Catholic churches have been making some inroads into the country. Also, the Byzantines & Franks (with aid from their Croatian tributes) continue try to influence the country. Both forces have resulted to out & out hostile actions in the past, and are not above carrying out assassinations to push their agendas when it matters.   Unbeknownst to most, part of the bad reputation lies in the mountains. There are a number of hidden strongholds from ages past lying in partial ruin. A number of vampires have took over these, coming here over the centuries & millennia, staying hidden. Also, there is rumours of a black magic school hidden within the Carpathians here called the Scholomance. The rumours suggest it is run by the Devil himself, and may be the reason so many vampires are found here.
Political, Faction / Party
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Cover image: by Colonel 101


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