Bully Boy Burgeaters

Fleec hears of a couple of the Burgeater guards have been extorting money from the Goblins of Goblintown. Maybe there is something to it?

Plot points/Scenes

Fleec is in his usual haunts, and hears a few of the Burgeaters questioning how a couple of the newbies they got seem to be flush with money. All the while the two seem to take a liing to travelling out from the town and around the countryside controlled by Grimmaz. This may be worh investigating due to what the two guards may be up to.   The first thing he may learn is the names, Rudger & Jakob, freshly arrived and sent by the military as they have form for extortion around the seedier parts of Aachen. They were caught and either faced having a hand cut off or serve time with the Burgeaters.   Unfortunately they still have to be fully broken in but both seem to be even worse than they where around Aachen.   Following them around from the barracks, they can be seen moving around the town on duty then heading out in the direction of the woodsmen in the woods to the north. From there, they move to the fort, then down to the mine in the south, and then to Goblintown.   In all the other places but the fort, they seem to intimidate and scare the locals into giving them a few coins each time. This gets worse around Goblintown where they really threaten the Goblins. In each instance they make it appear they are there at the authority of the Lord, and collecting tribute for him, something that is false.   Fleec can target them at any time and attack them on the road when they are travelling. Alternatively, he can wait till they are back in town, and get them to either drop themselves in it, or poison them so it's easier to keep a distance. Any way he does it he can let Mikhael Andolf know that the problem has been found and dealt with.   Fleec may find that a number of the Burgeaters will be staying more closely in line while reports of trouble caused bty members drop.   All the while he may notice that they may be suspicious as to who it may be that dealt with the two, and may even start to actively seak him or her out. If they do, he may have to double down and ride it out. They don't know where his hidden lairs are so it makes it hard to work out.   Also, he is likely able to hear further information, in the form of a rumour that there is a group known as the Bladed Pouch that is a rogue outfit at war with the Thieves of Frankia. He picks up nearly every member of it has a bounty on their head, and the majority would love to see it destroyed. Some are believed to working to this end and trying to find out who & where the leadership are.   He'll get the impression that if it appears as a rogue operation and not tied to the guild it is likely backed by the Bladed Pouch.
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