Cannabis & Hemp Material in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Cannabis & Hemp

Cannabis & Hemp belong to the same family of plants. It is indigenous to Asia, and originates from this region. It is used as both a drug, and a source of plant fibre. The latter is used to make clothes, and rope primarily though it can be used for other purposes such as upholstery, ship sails, flags or any other conceivable cloth like material. It eventually made it's way to Europe, where the former at this time is less well known in the 9th Century. It's use is has been attested to for many centuries if not millennia, with it's seeds being found in the graves of many early Steppes peoples, and a few others in the mid & far East.   With the hemp being used, it is regularly grown in place of some other plants, as most peoples who know of the medicinal properties of the leaves & seeds/buds know that the majority of the plant can be used. The compounds CBD and THC is found in the plant's leaves & seeds/buds. The former acts as a depressant, and can cause the user to relax, lower any pain they have, and increase appetite, though there is some cases that it seems to have a slight stimulatory effect. The latter has more in the way of psychoactive properties though no where near as severe as many other plants.   Many ancient religions use it as part of rituals & magic, usually in the Far East, Middle East, the Eurasian Steppes, and even the Germanic peoples (who attaches the plant to the goddess Freya). Many use it for medicinal purposes, and at the odd time with specific rituals for divination. It is not used in Buddhism as it is seen as an intoxicant, where a clear head is needed for contemplation, and mediation.


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