Cauldron of Ceridwen

Cauldron of Ceridwen

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires Attunement

Divine Knowledge. A potion of knowledge can be brewed in the cauldron giving advantage on all Intelligence saves, along with Arcana and Insight rolls.   Divine Inspiration. A potion of inspiration can be brewed in the cauldron giving advantage on all Wisdom saves, along with Religion and Insight rolls.   Divine Rebirth. A potion of rebirth can be brewed using the cauldron. When poured on a recently deceased individual, it will restore the creature to life. They can only be dead for no more than 24 hours maximum.

The Cauldron is a worn iron cauldron of some age. Originally owned by the sorceress Ceridwen (though some think was also a goddess), in Wales, the cauldron has been passed down through druidic circles and used either by them or by named sorcerers. Incredibly rare & powerful it is protected by powerful individuals since the time it passed into the Material Plane. Rumoured to be one of three magical items resting in Corbenic under the pseudonym of the Holy Grail, it is further protected by the Fisher King.

Cost: 5000000gp
Weight: 9lb

Item type
Unique Artifact


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