Dermal-Muscular Worm Swarm

Dermal-Muscular Worm Swarm CR: 1

Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class: 10
Hit Points: 11 2d8+2
Speed: , burrow: 15 ft


1 -5


12 +1


1 -5


0 -5


1 -5


0 -5

Skills: Stealth +4
Senses: passive Perception 12
Challenge Rating: 1

Burrow Hide. The worms will burrow in deep enough to make it difficult to detect if any are actually present. The only surefire way to remove them from a victim is by using healing spells. Every 1 hit point increased by the healing spell does one damage on the swarm, and heals up one burrow.   Damaging Presence. If infected and left in a victims body the worms do more than just hit point damage. Each day they are left, they do 1 damage to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. These can be healed with healing spells, along with hit points. Each time the spell is used, only one stat can be increased, and no higher than what it originally was. If any reaches 0 points in any stat then the victim dies.   Protection Against Most Predators. Most animal, including predators (those with an Intelligence of 1 or above, and marked as a Beast or Monstrosity), will not actively come in 15 feet of a creature infected with these worms. They usually have some type of sense that can pick out the nature of the infection., and don't want to be infected themselves. This also means animals or similar creatures the victim is friendly with (such as riding horses, or pets for example).


Maw. Melee Weapon Attack +1 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit 3  1d4+1 piercing damage. This attack is done at least once to begin with, and any that latches on, and infects the victim, then it is done once every day automatically. This is stopped after healed.

Probably one of the most disgusting worm types found in nature, derma-muscular worms are generally found in clusters in infected regions. They generally prefer warmer wetter environments, but as long as they have a pool of potential hosts near by, they can still thrive. Maggot-like in appearance, they burrow into the skin of a host (has to be endothermic & living). Usually found in mammals, especially of Medium size or larger, they burrow into the skin. By doing so, each burrow becomes leathery on the inside and eventually hardens into a carapace-like lining. These are used to provide air to get into them, especially when the worm gets deeper into the victim's muscles. The worms cause very little irritation, and eventually will nestle deep inside from where they pupate into small flies that make their way out looking for a new host or to take up residence in another part of their victim's body. They can, and do spread disease, and can cause catastrophic damage to a victim's skin & muscles when they feast.


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