Dwarven Slayer Cults

Dwarven warriors sometimes form strong attachments to killing a particular foe. In many cases it is due to seeing loved ones or close associates killed by a specific type of creature. When they are confronted by such enemies, the Dwarf is driven to kill it at all costs, to the detriment of everything else. When this happens he or she is sent to a war cleric who shaves of most of the Dwarf's hair except for a streak on the middle of their head, and tattoos their body with specific warding magic and vows of vengeance. The Dwarf is trained then to fight with battle axes, war hammers, or great axes / swords to a greater level than most of their race. Each slayer is stripped down to no more than their trousers, and boots, and sent to hunt down & kill as many of the chosen creature as possible. Many such creatures are larger and more powerful than most enemies, and usually fall under one of the following: trolls, giants, dragons, or ogres. If they survive long enough, the Dwarf inevitably becomes quite an expert in killing such creatures.
Raiding parties


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