


Legendary Needs attunement by a Good aligned person

Magical Weapon. Excalibur is a +3 weapon.   Doom of Evil. When Excalibur hits an evil creature the +3 id doubled, and does 5 1d10 radiant damage.   Born Leader. The wielder of Excalibur is meant to inspire those around them, giving the wielder a +3 bonus to Charisma saving throws, along with the same bonus to Persuasion (Charisma) rolls. Only one +3 counts on these rolls.   Anathema to Evil Hands. If wielded by an evil creature, Excalibur automatically misses as if the bearer rolled a Natural 1 miss, hitting something inert. When it does it shatters, and can only be restored by throwing it into a sacred water (lake, spring, river, etc) feature blessed by a Celtic Druid or Celtic deity. It then disappears, and reappears at the castle of the Fisher King.

by Howard Pyle

Excalibur is an ancient Celtic longsword made of iron. Blessed by the Celtic deities as a paragon of truth, justice, and the need for fair & even ruling, it can only be wielded by the purest heart. Preferably the wielder should be of Celtic origin, and also speak Brythonic, yet a few will get to wield it outside of these peoples. Lately, it has started to be woven in with stories concerning the Holy Grail. In many of these the names are as follows: Welsh, it is called Caledfwlch; in Cornish, Calesvol (in Modern Cornish: Kalesvolgh in Breton, Kaledvoulc'h; and in Latin, Caliburnus.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8 / 1d10 Slashing

Cost: 500000gp
Weight: 5 lb

Item type
Weapon, Melee

Cover image: by Howard Pyle


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