
Griffon CR: 2

Large monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 59 7d10+21
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 30 ft


18 +4


15 +2


16 +3


2 -4


13 +1


8 -1

Senses: Darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 15
Challenge Rating: 2

Keen Sight. The griffon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The griffon makes two attacks; one with it's beak and one with it's claws.   Beak. Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 8 1d8+4 piercing damage.   Claws. Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 11 2d6+4 slashing damage.

A griffon is a creature with the head, wings, and it's front legs as that of an eagle. The rest of it's body is that of a lion. It is a fierce hunter, and it's favourite food is horses. Small prides exist mainly in Europe, and a few in the Middle East & North Africa. They build their nests on rocky outcrops, mainly in mountainous regions. Despite preferring horses to eat, any suitably large prey will do, including hippogriffs. They will remain in a region until all prey is exhausted and then move to a new territory. Griffons lay eggs, and if one can be got before hatched (although highly dangerous), the hatchling can be trained to accept a rider and become a mount. Such a steed is fierce and loyal, but will only accept one rider for life.

Suggested Environments

Rocky or mountainous terrain.


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