Helping Others to Fly Again

With Alfre healed but lacking wings and emotionally / mentally traumatised from being attacked, the team get a chance to help her. They need to cross to the Feywild to help her & get the necessary items.

Plot points/Scenes

As the start of this, the team are still in the Fey cavern. Bushtail uses the cavern's latent magic while Grimmaz and any help blows up the road going out of the mountain from the city of the dead. Bushtail & Vladimir offer to help them. By using a hair or scraping from each of them the two can make a paste that allows them to open a portal to the Feywild and travel between them. Bushtail will advise the Druidess, Emma Duckthorne, while they help Alfre, as to what to do to open a portal in the grove to the same Fey Cavern as & when needed. Warned not to do it too much so as not to attract unwanted attention, especially from mortal Cultists or criminally minded.   The team needs to take Alfre to the Seelie Court and speak to Pixie Queen Maisie. Bushtail can lead the way and introduce them but cannot interfere as Alfre now has a connection to the party. They need to hunt out a few ingredients to help heal her, firstly with the wings and then her mind. Only by persuading the the Pixie Queen can they hope to find out about these.   As a member of the Seelie Court POixie Queen Maisie can be quite ficlke in nature. If presented with a Passion's Kiss flower and a propsal of marriage will she consider helping. This can be by any member of the party.   If successful, she can do the ritual to restore Alfre's wings & remove the sorrow in Alfrie. Maisie will tell them that four items are needed:
  • a pair of wings from a Giant Dragonfly. Found throughout the Feywild.
  • a small bag of Pixie Dust in an Eagle's nest that's still in use.
  • a large Pearl from a large river oyster.
  • a pricklenoggin cap from the garden of a local Green Hag.
  Giant Dragonflies are found throughout the Feywild and the team has a chance of getting them quite easly. They may hunt one down to get them or try to find a dead one. Freshly harvested wings (50%) are the best to get and they may need to do the former. Mostly found in the west.   The eagle's nest is high up a tree deep in the surrounding woodlands and about 1.5 miles away. The team can distract the eagle or kill it, but better to leave it alive as some may not agree with the killing. Someone needs to go up to collect it and the nest is 40 feet up. There is always a risk (50%) of falling especially if caught by the eagle who may distract them. Mostly found in the east.   When going for the pearl, they will find the river oyster in a river 1.5 miles away. It needs to be brought back whole, and if grabbed out of the oyster there is a risk of it closing. If triggered there is a chace they may get their hand, weapon or equipment trapped (needs a DC 20 Dex saving throw). Mostly found to the north.   The Pricklenoggin Cap can be found in the Green Hag's garden and they will need to be stealthy to get it without waking the Hag. Magical defences are set up so the chance of getting there os DC 25. If awoke she will attack, with spells first if need be. The team can persuade her to calm dpown and if done so, she will as for a 'favour' down the line. This will be weighed in the Hag's favour of course. This is found in the south.   If these are got, Maisie will grind up the Pearl with the Pixie Dust. Thus done, she will apply half of this to the wings & the stumps on Alfre's back joining the two. After speaking a spell in Sylvan, the wings attach properly and warp into the correct shape & size. The rest is used to soak the Pricklenoggin Cap that is then placed on the head of Alfre and another spell in Sylan is spoken. The Cap will shrivel & rot quickly seemingly draw out the negative emotions Alfre is suffering.   After this Alfre should be cured, but any interruption will cause it to fail, or make the chances of further attempts less likely. The latter may also turn the Seelie Court, and especially the Pixies and Queen Maisie in particular, to turn against the team. If this happens Alfre will refuse to return to them, help them or have any further dealings with them ever. If successful, everything is fine and Alfre is back to her usual chirpy self who may explain that she was glad they helped cure her.   In the latter case, she saw a dimension of pure horror and entites she refers to as "Fiends". One stands out in particular as a tall male entity with black & white feathered wings carrying a burning sword with a dark light coming from him. The other fiends seem to bow to him. The area is hot, filled with plumes in black smoke & lakes of fire. She saw manu many creatures being used as guardians & attack dogs matching the description of the "wolves" they encountered.   Each will be awarded, if successful, a necklace made out of a bright green living vine and a small tough bright red berry. The berry can be crushed at any time to gain either 1d3 Inspiration points, or 1d6 Temporary HPs. it takes month for the berry to grow back, and the necklace withers & dies if took off & left for 1 hour for any reason.


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