House Rules

Possible changes in the future:-   Allowing only of the following to be in party at present due to their rarity: Dragonborn, Tiefling or Half-Orc. *Additionally these are added to the list: Dhampir, Hexbane, Reborn, Aaimar, Firbolg, Goliath, Kenku, Lizardfolk, Tabaxi, Triton, Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Yuan-Ti Pureblood. There is an experimental race too, a Faerie Folk. It's limited to one player only at the moment. May eventually be removed depending on playability, and use. As for Classes, only one Paladin and one Artificer can be per party. Treating them both as being a very rare type of Class at the mo.   Also, no Monks allowed at all for time being. Obviously based on the Shaolin Monks & martial arts movies etc., and not in line with anything to do with monks of any type in Europe. Seems to be more of a Far East class so might appear later down the line.   Initiative will be Side Initiative. One roll for either side in combat. Still potentially get a situational bonus or minus here.   Types of adventure will be any type depending on what I can think up. Won’t be simple hack-n-slash, at least all the time. Will be trying to add in a bit of good old Grimdark to it all though.   Remember to run character details past myself, especially personality and background details. May lead to some interesting little quests or side adventures down the line.   Any critical hits suffered may lead to me rolling on the DMG optional injury table. Rarely though.   If reduced to zero HPs, your dead. None of the rules for going lower than zero and doing death rolls every time. Only in certain circumstances will this be took in, and only IF there is a good reason.   Where possible will be aiming to use historical style names or phrases for PCs, NPCs, equipment etc. Examples: Seax for the type of knives regularly used & carried by the Germanic peoples, Gallowglass for an Irish Fighter, Skald for a Germanic Bard or shaman for some types of Druid (usually a non-Celtic type).   The very odd time you may be forced to make an Insanity check, this is done as a DC against Wisdom. If failed may result in a roll on the DMG optional Insanity tables in the DMG.   Short Rests used as normal, except doesn’t restore lost Hit Points. That’s what Healers, Healing Potions and the like are for. Long rests are unaffected.   Common language usually refers to some form of specific Germanic, Celtic, Latin or a mix of these at present. When dealing with a PC or NPC with a related language may need a DC roll (very easy roll at that) to communicate properly. Rare, yet it may still happen.   Forbidding Evil alignments for characters atm. Meant to be the heroes of the piece after all.   PVP rarely used. May appear if the circumstances dictate.


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