
Many Anglo-Saxon & Saxon (and to a lesser degree the Norse), use Huscarls as elite shock troops. They are known as house officers, and have civilian roles in their master's household when off the battlefield. When called to battle by their lord, they act as personal household warriors, training regularly with their weapons & armour to protect their masters, and hit hard against enemy troops. Each huscarl is usually armed with a Dane Axe, a long sword, and a long knife / Seax. Each is usually dressed in a mix of stiffened linen, flax leather and/or cotton clothing, below full chainmail or a large chain shirt, and each usually will have access to a decorative functional metal helmet, and a shield. They fight in units led by their lord, split into their own units, or mixed with Fyrdmen units to create a surprise attack with their Dane Axes. Each are taught to fight both left & right handed to best utilise their weapons, surprising opponents. Their experience with their Dane Axes, and the size of these weapons , allow many huscarls to take down mounted cavalry and to target the horse itself.


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