Ice Blade

Ice Blade


Very Rare

Cold Touch. Each time the weapon hits it causes 7 2d6 cold damage on top of any other damage.   Frozen Heart. If driven into a body of water, it will freeze a part of it up to a 10 ft, by 10 ft, by 10 ft cube trapping anything in it for 1 hour. Any creature trapped in it is suspended, and will die unless they pass a DC 12 Constitution saving throw.   +1 Weapon. Each blade is a +1 weapon, and either a knife, dagger, or sword type weapon.

Ice Blades are rarely found and seem to come from the frozen Artic wastes to the north. No-one seems to know where they come from or who manufactured them. It seems to have a core of pure hardened ice, and the one or two that ended up in hot southern lands eventually failed. This seems to have been caused by the ice melting after insufficient storage instructions. Each must be stored in rune bound scabbards & sheaths to protect the magic from heat when not in use. They come in a variety of sizes from knife & dagger size, to shortsword, longsword, and even greatsword size. Both the blades and the scabbards / sheaths are covered in ancient Scandinavian runes dating back to early Germanic times. The designs of the metals covering the ice, metal, and other elements of the weapon is, again, of old Germanic design. It is speculated that they were created by an ancient Dwarven clan, even maybe an Elvish clan. Nobody can say for sure, and if they creators made matching armour, or even if they still exist.

Cost: 50000gp
Weight: Varies

Item type
Weapon, Melee


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