Into Tunis and Rome

Nasir Akhroun-Badawi has travelled to the city of Tunis and is given something to take north to a new town that is being built. On the way he meets a new companion, Freyja modir var.

Plot points/Scenes

Nasir is in Tunis on business and is offered a chance by a clan of Elves that live beside the old ruins of Carthage to take a small package to a city called Wein in Frankia. Rumour has it through trading networks it is a major trading hub for the Franks and recently a number of different groups have converged there to carry out different business plans. The package is wrapped in a gazelle skin and feels that it is a stone tablet of some sort.   He is told that it is to be passed to a courier there or if he encounters a member of the Snow family it can be given directly to them. They can either read it themselves passing on the information or be sent directly to the Snow family home in Anglo-Saxon Britain. They offer to set up a small writ and protection for him, if necessary, in Rome with a group of travelling entertainers. One of these can travel north with him and called Freyja, a female giant-kin of some sort.   If accepted, they will be given two small coin purses. These have some type of unknown spell on them where if opened immediately will give out 10 gold each for accepting this, and when delivered and used again will give 250 gold each.   On the way there they may easily encounter one or more assassins, and / or thieves.   To get to Wein there is a major route out of Rome and through the Alps. There is a risk that by doing so, there is bandits that may attack, and there is the chance of both avalanche and encountering minors who have had to leave their mine. This is because they were forced out by a goblin tribe under the control of some sort of religious leader hinted at being trapped in amber. The miners ask for word to be sent to Wein and offer a bar of silver to each of the travellers.   When the Alps are passed through, they can make their way to Wein easy enough. Once there they have a number of options, with the main ones of finding a courier, accidentally running into Fleec Snow, or Grimmaz, Willhelm & Father Tossil. They may even meet Childrec Ludger the weapon smith. In any situation they can make the delivery, and hear some gossip such as the Saxon War, the appearance of Birgin the Winter Storm, and/or the work being carried out at Eschbach.
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