Kidnapping the Child of the Nazarene

The team are tasked with kidnapping an 11 year old girl from a house. She blisters terribly in the sun so is advised to keep her out of it.

Plot points/Scenes

The team is tasked by a Count le Sang Dubois in the local town hall or court to capture a young daughter of a nobleman. Known for being a pale-skinned girl, she has a liking for dancing and attenting local balls. They are to kidnap her on the road from Salzburg to Eschbach, then take her to an old mansion in the mountains just south of the main road. There they are to wait until a ransom is paid for the girl's safe return. Upon completion, they will be paid 1200 gold.   The team find that she is in a relatively unadorned carriage with three guards and the driver. One guard is beside the driver, and the other two are inside. All three are armed with shields, shortswords, and light crossbows. All wear leather armour. They are quite easy to take out.   As they grab her, she offers little resistance and will go with them to the mansion. They will notice that the weather is bad here and a snostorm is starting. Her name is Alicia.   When the team arrives they find the mansion is quite old but useable. They can place her anywhere in the mansion and when doing so they notice the snowstorm is getting worse and within a couple of hours they are snowed in. All the basic anemities are here, and they can eat & drink. A fire can be started and they notice hanging around the odd statue & painting, and some look somewhat like the girl. Others look like family members, many wearing dark clothing covering themselves & thinly built.   One appears to be the mansion & looks like pales shadowy / smoky bat-like creatures flying around it.   The team need to check in with Alicia every once in a while but are also warned that she shouldn't get a good look at any of them. Also, they will be contacted by the Count in the morning to get their money.   After a while, of interacting with Alicia, she will start to reveal little secrets about the team, the mansion, and herself. They are quite shocked when she reveals that her family is involved in crime and running at times against the Thieves of Frankia but generally they only trade in people smuggling and identity fraud. This only involves specific people of the extremes of wealth, the nobility and the extremely poor.   She will try to provoke each one into harming the others especially in her presence.    At some time during the night when one of the team is alone they will be attacked and blood partially drained from them but a search will never reveal anything but Alicia will apear more flushed after it.    Someone will likely find the room she is in is empty but not obvious as to why. Given time they will likely find a hidden tunnel system throughout the mansion and Alicia starts to play nasty tricks causing injury & infighting on them. At the same time she blatantly disappears from the room she is in and appears somewhere else.   She may likely attack & take blood from a single player each time. She may also try to drain a person completely if at all possible.   If they kill her they will loose the gold they were promised, and they Count may be pissed.   If they survive, they will find the Count in the main hall, and he will appear similar to some of the paintings & statues, along with Alicia in a few. He will reveal that he is Alicia's father and the whole thing was a test to see if Alicia could cope with being kidnapped, and if she would feed on the team. This would involve killing if need be. She seems to have passed and she has had the odd similar experience to prepare her for being fully accepted into the family in Frankish territory.   They also find out that her mother was from the Middle East and has ties to a 'major religious group' from there. They may use the term of "The blood is the life".   If the team find out any of this earlier they may try to strike a deal of some kind. Also, they seem to have some strange effect (likely magic) that prevents her being picked up as undead.
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