Leviathan Puzzle Box

Leviathan Puzzle Box

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires Attunement

When activated correctly will open a portal to Leviathan's Labyrinth, and treated as a Dimension Door, as well as 1d4 Cenobites will appear within 20 feet of this when activated. This will stay open for 1d10 minutes, and the user takes 3d10 piercing or slashing damage (DMs choice), and restrained until freed by the Cenobites, and then took through the portal. The portal then closes, and leaves an unseen mark where it was opened, and when blood is spilled in or on the area, there is a 75% chance of the last victim of the box resurrecting there as a Dhampir.

Cost: 100000 gps
Weight: 4 lb


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