Men-at-arms & Sergeant-at-arms

Men-at-arms are a type of professional soldier retained by a lord. They are well trained individuals, and have access to their own weapons & armour. Many in Europe will have access to chain shirts, shields, plate breast plates, metal helmets, and such like. Their weapons are usually of better quality, and many have access to military grade axes, as well as swords, maces, warpicks and the like. They are trained regularly and form solid units of experience on the battlefield, though they are fewer in number than the levies. Also, their equipment bay be years of decades old, being passed down from a previous family member.   As a unit, the men-at-arms are led by sergeant-at-arms, who have risen to their ranks as experienced fighters, and usually serving two or even three generations of their lords. Many lesser men are also led by sergeant-at-arms, with regular levies & militia seeing them as leaders at time to time. Sometimes, heavy bowmen & heavy crossbowmen are led by these gnarly warriors due to experience.    Many of these men are freemen, and if the conditions of service to a lord is not met, then they can leave to find employment elsewhere. Many lords will have at least some of them retained and spread amongst their personal guard.


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