Mutant Tick Chitin

Mutant Tick chitin is a prized substance in the production of magic weapons & armour. The only downside is the danger involved in obtaining it.


Material Characteristics

Tick chitin is thick hardened bone-like material found on the outside of it's body used in part for structure of it's body and protection. Highly durable, and when alive, it is able to grow thicker and regenerate over time.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Tick chitin has a slight flexibility & give to it when exposed to hard impacts. It doesn't shatter outright thanks to this. Also, because the Tick prefers feeding on spellcasters, it absorbs some of the magical energy that is digested.

Origin & Source

The chitin can only be found on the mutant magic eating ticks that congregate in regions with a strong magical field.

Life & Expiration

Generally stable when removed, it will last for years if not decades, but needs treated in a warm solution of oils to shape and protect it for longer.

History & Usage


Ever since the mutant ticks have been discovered, hunters have went out of their way to kill them. Some of the more forward looking hunters had the idea of selling of parts of the ticks bodies for profit. Magic users usually take parts to use in spell components along with alchemists taking parts too.    Eventually an enterprising hunter struck on the idea of selling the claws and chitin to weaponsmiths and armourers. Seeing that the chitin absorbed some of the magic, and if toughened further these could be worked into weapons & armour. Dwarven smiths were the first to experiment with these adding parts to the core of weapon & armour sets bolstered by steel, adamantium and mithril. Over time the High Elves & Wood Elves joined the Dwarves in working it adding more knowledge to the working of chitin. This eventually led to an arms race as more species looked to harness the technology.

Everyday use

Weapons & armour are the common uses, along with some spell components.


Generally used in it's natural state it is carved, cut or ground up to be used as appropriate. When making it into armour & weapons, it is usually cured using a secret blend of oils that help toughen it further and help it last as well as holding an edge if need be.

Manufacturing & Products

Weapons, armour & spell components.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Elements such as dust & off-cuts are common, and usually refined into jewellery, or sewn into clothing to act as a magical focus, or at least hoped for by the wearer.


Working with the chitin can be dangerous. The older the tick, the more the magical energy that's built up in it. Unless a master is working with it there is the chance of an explosion of magical energy killing anyone nearby. The same explosion may send shards of the chitin in every direction.

Reusability & Recycling

Usually the chitin cannot be reused or repurposed due to the specific workings that bind the chitin & it's magical energy together and stabilise it.


Trade & Market

Small trade takes place here & there in central Europe due to the demand & supply of the material. Ultra rare and with the difficulty of getting it, leads to the amounts & prices vary from a few hundred to a few thousand gold for each part.

Law & Regulation

No-one nation or state regulates the sale of the chitin itself. If anything it is welcome in near every nation, as it shows that another one of these ticks has been killed.
"Good stuff that, lassie. The chitin is very hard to begin with, and all I need to do is to make sure the magic doesn't act in a weird way. Excellent cutting edge when worked, and the armour I've seen & helped on? Excellent, flexible and quite elegant if combined with high end leather & precious metals. Silver especially."   Childrec Ludger talking to a customer about Tick Chitin.

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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