Nutmeg Item in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil





Psychoactive Properties. The active ingredients can cause hallucinations leading to it being used to gain advantage on an Insight or Religion roll per day. At the DMs discretion, can be used as a spell component in some spells.   Possible Allergen & Overdose. There is always a risk that the person that uses it is allergic to the compound or takes too much (which is easily done with this drug). On a 25% roll 1d100 , the user has to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 2d6 poison damage.   Addiction. There is a relatively high chance that the user can become addicted to this substance. After using this on 5 consecutive times, the user has to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become addicted having one level of exhaustion per 24 hour period. Each 24 hour period requires a further saving throw with disadvantage until passed, then they start to remove one level of exhaustion after that, and no more saves are needed.

Nutmeg is the seed of the evergreen plant that gives it's name to. It is used regularly in small doses as a spice for cooking and as a medicine. The country in the Far East called Indonesia is the main source, though some are cultivated in other countries including the Indian subcontinent.

Cost: 6 gp
Weight: 0.5lb

Item type


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