Opium Material in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Opium (or Poppy Tears), is a naturally occurring latex compound retrieved from the seed pods of poppy plants. It contains about 12% morphine, as well as the opiates Codeine & Thebaine. The traditional method to collect the latex is to score the pod, and then scrape of the latex when dried. Sometimes the pod is crushed with the seeds.   Northern India used to be the main source of this product, and would use trade routes to sell any excess opium to other regions. Central Europe & the Iberian Peninsula has graves that contain the remains of pods, with Mesopotamia being the first to cultivate it. Sometimes in ancient cultures it was mixed with poison hemlock to quickly & painlessly put people to death. In ancient Greece, Thanatos, Nyx & Hypnos is regularly seen in statue form depicted with it. Some of the other gods would be depicted too with it at times.   It is primarily used as a medicine because of the effects of it acting as a strong form of pain relief. Because of medicine regularly being used alongside magic, the opium would be used with ritual & incantations to aid in healing, or in the worst cases as a way to silently kill an opponent. In the Islamic world it can only be used as medicine, with magic & it being an intoxicant, being regularly viewed as haram outside of the medical fields.   It is known in Europe, but not widely available for medical or magical usage mainly due to the prohibitive cost of importing it from the Middle East. Any person who can set up a regular supply can easily make themselves very rich.


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