Saxon Thegn

The Saxon Thegn are nobles in Saxon lands, and are equivalent to the rank of Baron. They are well trained, armed & armoured, and when not practising warfare, they rule over a region of land for the higher nobility. They usually organise the fyrd for battle from the local population, and regularly have a household guard made up of Huscarls. Like the latter, the Thegn will have a decorative functional metal helmet, a shield of high quality, as well as the best underlying armour of light flexible cloth and/or leather, and a well kept chain shirt, or chainmail. Again many Thegns fight with a good quality long sword, and have a Seax, though many will have access to Dane Axes, battle axes, maces, warpicks, and even hand axes. A few are also trained in using bows, whether short bows or long bows depending on preference. They usually lead their followers in battle, with at lease one or two Huscarls present with them at all times, and can even lead from the middle or front rank of a band of Fyrdmen. In rare cases, they have access to a horse, but prefer to dismount before fighting.


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