Scorpion Venom Item in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Scorpion Venom

Scorpion Venom



Toxic. The scorpion toxins are used to coat weapons, injected, or ingested, cause 13 3d8 poison damage. Also, the victim has to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, with a fail leading to the victim being Poisoned for 2 1d4 hours. Every hour they take a further 7 2d6 poison damage as well. Unless treated with medicine, or magic, if the person survives, their Constitution & Hit Point level is permanently lowered by 2 1d4 , with the latter by two levels. If successful, the primary damage is took, and the victim is immune for 24 hours.   Anaphylaxis. If the victim has suffered a sting, or been affected before with scorpion venom they have a 75% chance of developing anaphylactic shock. This causes disadvantage on the DC 17 Constitution saving throw, and the damage is doubled if failed.   Possible Spell Component. If the DM allows it, sometimes this can be used in place of certain spell components.

Scorpion venom cover a wide variety of toxins, all generally related and usually each scorpion type uses a group of neurotoxins. The specific types & amounts vary by species, but when milked & concentrated they are deadly, especially to the young or elderly. Thankfully the more northern regions of the world have little contact with this type of toxin due to the scorpions preferring warmer climes. There is an illicit trade for it on the black market, mainly out of North Africa and the Middle East (including along the Silk Road), though many of these also use entry way into Europe or vice versa in the Mediterranean countries.

Possible cures are found throughout he world, and not all are reliable, especially in those regions where little knowledge of scorpions exist. Sometimes the actual 'cures' are sold along with the toxin itself. If the toxin is used by local peoples it is widely known, and they have a chance of identifying it. If not then there is a good chance the cause will remain unknown.

Cost: 500 gp
Weight: 0.5 lb

Item type


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