Session 02: Into the Wild Report

General Summary

The group heads to the council where Ruk (Junover) can give the bone flute to the council.   The group gets 100 gold which each of the 7 members get 12 gold, the rest of the gold goes into the household fund. Thus 16 gold goes into the household fund.     The council introduces Hans & Greta with their child Jacob. The family needs to be taken into the feywild. The group gets told to let Jacob and the family meet Granny Barrowbye, the council warns the group to be careful about such creatures. The group will be joined by a close associate, a pixie who is well known around the area named Alfre.     For escorting the family the group gets 200 gold coins.     Alfre brings the group to Emma Duckthorne in the Groove to pass to the Feywild. Emma takes a few herbs into a bowl and starts speaking in a different language. After mixing it and pouring it on the ground a light emits from it.     Once in the Feywild they meet Queen Maise.     Fly Agar, mushrooms can be helpful to shamans and others. Red with white spots. The mushroom is known from Sami people (Lapland). Some of the cults use it regularly with religious rites. Berserker cult when not in battle for their rites.     Maise warns for the Hag and that they shouldn't anger her. The group continues on towards the Hag from the Pixie area.     The group exits the left door and goes on to visit the hag with Norick and Magnar on front.     The group comes accross a field with singing mushrooms. At which point Norick tires to sing very badly, which prompts the scarecrows to watch the group.   After a few seconds a door starts creaking followed by a bit of cackling. The group hears the voice of Granny Barrowbye.     Arne tells the parents via message to give a signal when they feel their child Jacob is in danger. They acknowledge it and the group moves inside the house Arne staying within arms reach of Jacob.     The hag explains a bit about some work she did for others.   A young woman in the Hag's shack is looking up Mangar and Norick, licking her lips. The women is dressed in green and has blue swirling tattoos.     The woman speaks in a different langauge to the Hag, talking about how it's strange to have one of your species (Changeling) being born male, and that they should stay there.   Arne understand that the Hag is discussing about having send another agent to a coven. The different language is a Celtic language which Norick and Archi are able to recognize.     Norick tries to find out why the woman is there. Detecting that she is evil.     Archi talks to the parents to confirm their worries. Currently they are not worried for now as the Hag is being seen as a surrogate mother.The Hag gives the family a bit of quartz crystal to keep near Jacob. The family can use it to communicate with the Hag over time.     Alfre confronts Archi and Arne about the conversations, at which point Arne admits that he understood what was being said.     When Arne explains the woman being attracked meant to be the woman being hungry. Arne also explains how the Baobhan Sith child that they saw there is a male. Which is unusual. Maisie explains how it is indeed unusual as they usually stick to woodlands. Them being a vampiric species who love the blood of the living people, mainly men.     When leaving Maisie mentions that when a male whishes for female companionship within 2 miles of a Baobhan Sith, they will appear.     The group moves trough the portal moving back, almost a full day has moved. Emma Duckthorne is asked by Arne to check everyone for residual stuff from the Hag. Emma Duckthorn mentions that Norick has been afflicted and gives him some cream for it.     The group goes on to report to the council, and gets payed 200 gold coins. From that everyone gets 30 gold coins, and another 20 gold coins go into the household fund.         A bit of bother from the SW, a strange story from a travler with a caravan that went through a village. Something odd happened as the caravan things disappeared.       The characters exchange a bit of backstory, and Archi goes to find Nine.     Archi is looking for a way to recognize what other creatures are saying. After which Nine offers 2 scrolls of Comprehend Languages for 17 gold.   Norick is looking for a potion to use on himself to inject himself with that doesn't do damage, but if he gets attacked by a blood sucker, the blood sucker gets inflicted with some curse. One such potion costs 15 gold.

Rewards Granted

100 Gold at start then 200 gold at the end.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Reolus Rhin
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Report Date
21 Jun 2024


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