Session 03: Bandit A-Go-Go Report

General Summary

Magnar goes to wake up the group, Rukk opens the door to allow Magmar in who is followed by a turtle who likes to eat bread. After getting everyone up, the group starts looking for a small job as it's only 3 people today.     The druids have got a small mission to deliver a doll from the Granny hag for the small child of Hansel and Grettal.   The brewery is looking for some rare herbs from the marsh, for 15 gold and a small barrel of ale. It's runoff ale, but still quite nice.     The group decides to pick up the mission for the brewery.     The brewery is looking for a couple of small green herbs with thin green leaves. Both of them produce a stock with a fire emblem on the end. One of them are blue color and the others have yellow flowers, with a potent taste and smell.   They need someone to go and collect it, a small money pouch amount. Down in the SE in the swamp/marsh about 3 miles from Eschbach.     After traveling a bit, Rukk sees a few guards around a marsh that the group is heading to. At which point Rukk informs them that the guards a familiar to Magnar. There are also a few burgeaters from Eschbach visible.   Magnar goes to meet the people. Leaving the soiled chair that he apparently has been carrying since leaving Eschbach. Unbeknownst to him that it was Arne who used prestidigitation to soil it multiple times.     Magner gets told that there is one treant which got disturbed by birds. After Magnar returns he picks up the chair again and the group moves through the old groove by using the chair to push bushes away.   The group arrives at the NW part of the swap. Rukk finds some traces of the flowers and directs the group there.     They find some trampled flowers, which seems to be done by something that came to the water, which after that returned back into the treeline close to the flowers. There are saxon like boot prints visible there. Rukk is able to pick the flowers easily enough though.     Magnar makes it over to Rukk and starts gathering the flowers. Soon Magnar has a good handful of flowers.     At some point they get attacked by the Saxon bandits. Which eventually get killed by the 3. Arne explains to Magnar that it's always better to kill Saxon bandits who attack people to rob them, as they are unwanted in any territory. Those kind of people usually rape woman and children and sell them. Which is why Arne killed the last one even when it was fleeing. Magnar loots the body and Magnar gets 1 silver, and 8 copper. Rukk and Arne get 1 silver and 7 copper.     After returning back to Eschbach Rukk gives the herbs to Magmar and goes to visit Fleur. Fleur heals him a bit which costs Rukk 1 silver.     The members gets a small barrels of ale each which . And 3 bags containing 20 gold each. Magnar carries the barrel of himself and Rukk, and Arne conjures up the unseen servant and lets it carry the barrel back to the house.     After getting to the Inn, Magnar gets some food from the inn and they move to the back of the groups house and make small campfire. Magnar after eating and drinking a bit is trying to piece the chair back together.

Rewards Granted

3 silver, 22 copper
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Reolus Rhin
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Report Date
28 Jun 2024


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