Session 07: My Precious Mask Report

General Summary

Rukk meets his cousin at the shared home. Explaining why Rukk left home and stays in Eschbach. Meanwhile Archi is eavesdropping on Rukk's and his cousins conversation. At some point barging in and showing off a new far eastern dress.   Rukk introduces his cousin called Roos, who looks like a rooster.     Archi casts enlarge on Rukk making Rukk angry on Archi. Archi flees into his room and explains that it's only effective for 1 minute. After which Rukk just utterly destroys the door.     Arne sneaks out at some point, and comes across the messenger stables which seems to have broken into.     After some time the group catches up and the group is asked if they heard anything suspicious last night.     There was a lady looking for a box 3 foot high and 3 foot width which is going to Orleans, the lady wanted to buy it off the messengers to stop it going any further.   What they did find is near the doorframe a bit of painted glass where a long red hair is attached. The lady who couldn't spoke the language very well was dressed in a big cloak with red hair.     The box came from a group of people in the mountains. The box with something on it which says   tanas rapBahCNH is going to Countess Gabriel de Rais. Magnar investigates the box, there seems to be hay in the box and something seems to be strapped. There is a pungeant smell coming from the box.     Rukk does recognize that it is from Bulgarian origin which can contain some nefarious goods.     Rukk is left to open the box, which contains some parchment with a writing on it on the lid. The mask seems to come from an Egyptian tomb. When Rukk translates the writing it mentions Prince Ahmose.     Further, there is a warning that it is not to fall into the hands of the Three (of the sea, of the land, and of the spirit). The Three can be identified by their hatred of magic users not of their kind, from the City of the Great Grandmother originally, and now spread far & wide, to the northwest beside the sea, to the fertile Wilds, and the leader of the forests of the northern east of the youngest empires of the white barbarians.     The group decides to leave Magnar with the box and report to the council.     Reolus, and Maeven approach them, after which the group shares the details. Reolus notices that the box is meant for Gabriel de Rais and mentions that they can only slow it down a bit, but not let it disappear.     Archi. Asks if the group remembers Norick. Archi suspects that it has to do with certain groups who live in 3 in the Feywild. Arne asks what/how they are doing. So they explain that they are going on a hunch to the feywild.   They come to the Druids near the groove, which Archi consults. The druids mention that the hags are more powerful when they work in 3's.     The hags are dark fey which some of them have crossed over to fiendish territory. They are generally found in most countries that we know of. One of them is referred to the great grandmother. Who can be find in the Slavic lands to the East. She is generally referred to the Great Grandmother. Preceding over a council of 12 controlling all the other hags. From all the info you've given me, if there's a group of 3. The wilds if it's definitely in the feywild one might be close or in Britain maybe. And One can be in the NE up to the Saxon lands.     The de Rais like magical artifacts, and we suspect they want to get some fiends to deal stuff with.     Arne suggests to make a copy of the artifact. After working with a group of dwarves they will successfully make a copy of the artifact which gets put into the box for de Reis.     The real artifact gets delivered to the church.     They report back to the council, and while at the council Arne uses Message to tell Reolus that Archi has an interest in Emme Duckthorne.     Archi is putting down spells called alarm to protect against the burglar cat.     When Magnar wants to go to bed, they notice allot of Burgeaters running towards the church. Magnar wakes up the rest of the group and they run towards the church.   Edward the monk comes running out of the church hurt and blooded. And mentions that the other monk has died. Edward mentions a mummy that wanted to get into the vault. A dried out husk beat the monk to death and drained the monk of blood. Before Edward could get close to the monk it seemed to suck all of the life out of the monk.     When going back Arne noticed the green hooded figure with red hair near the stables. Arne keeps a note of it mentally and heads to bed.     Archi heads to the council next morning and informs about the status. It came from the North just past the groove. They are still tracking stuff to see if they find anything. They did find one thing. When Edward was dealing with this, Edward remembers that with the other monk, the monk had torn off a small strip of cloth which was wrapped around. A very old linen wrap definitely not from Europe.     A goblin comes into the town hall mentioning that someone broke into the treasury and they need some help also.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Stormthrower Bloodaxe
Chaotic Good Human (Norse warlock raider for hire across the continent)
Warlock 3
21 / 21 HP
Fleec Snow
Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP
Reolus Rhin
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
26 Jul 2024


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