Session 09: Mummy Dearest Report

General Summary

The group is awakened by Archie’s new tuxedo cat familiar that scratches at the door of each party member one at a time. It doesn’t have a name, so Rukk offers to name it; Buttercup the Third. Then offers Pigeon. Sir Catnip the Great. Rukk reveals a thumb-sized egg that was found in Turtle’s bed, revealing that Turtle is likely a female, as opposed to the previously thought male. Magnar is confused that he hasn’t seen any other turtles around to mate, and the group speculates what is going on. Suddenly, a knock at the door. A burgeater knocking gently, bowing his head, announces a trail has been found leading into the forest. Brings out aged linen that was found hanging from a thornbush, similar to that what was found near the dead monk. A trail as if a bipedal being was shuffling at some speed just past the grove, setting off the animals.   Rukk has seen linen before. Rukk also reveals a firework trick new cantrip. Archi suggests he use the popping sound to wake up Arne. Then, Arne’s feathers turn pink. Unamused, Arne tries to remove the pink from himself   .After shenanigans, the party heads up to where the aged linen was found, by the church and the grove. Using Magnar’s and Rukk’s help, in Hope’s absence, Archi picks up the trail. Leads deeper into the forest and leads to a Cairn with stones and overgrowth that was probably there for at least 200 years. Rukk investigates to find it is an old Celtic grave, a resting place of our chief or something, according to the runes. After giving respects, he leaves the turtle egg in a grass patch near the monument. Then, Rukk discovers that it seems the Cairn has been disturbed. Leaves are sitting in a hump in the middle of it.   The moss, leaves, vines, and branches are tangled so Magnar goes up to see if he can spot if the body has been disturbed or moved, but when he tries to dig with the shovel, a hand juts out and grabs the shovel. Magnar manages to get it free and come down with a wide smile, telling the group that the body is thankfully still there. Unfortunately, the body begins digging itself out of the grave and rises up with a strange Egyptian necklace metallic design on it.   The body stands and looks at everyone.   Arne suggests to retreat. Magnar backs up. The mummy stands. After suggesting all he knows about mummies is the fact that they are buried with treasure to take into the afterlife, Magnar suggests that they should find whatever was taken from the grave, since it seems the grave was disturbed. Archi casts necrotic spell but nothing seems to happen. The mummy is not affected. Rukk takes out a longbow. Misses with one. Hits another but it doesn’t slow the mummy down. Archi uses cold spell that slows the mummy down. Rukk tries another arrow but it goes straight through. Arne suggests that fire might work on the mummy so Rukk fires a flaming arrow at him and it seems to do a bit of damage now.     After defeating the mummy with fire, the party takes the ankh necklace from around its neck to Edward the Monk. He confirms that the mummy was likely responsible for killing those who died because of the curse of the mask and believe that the ankh has no magical power on its own, so Rukk asks to keep it “for personal research”. Then, they head to the inn for food, but Rukk asks to head back and retrieve the turtle egg he left there. He also buries the mummy giving proper respects and leaving the ankh with the body. Then, Rukk joins the crew again and eats, but their meal is interrupted by a Burgeater reporting that screeching of some animal was heard at the treehouse. Rukk assumes it was the pregnant turtle.   When they arrive at the house, however, Rukk’s cousin, previously referred to as “Colonel Sanders” and introduced to Magnar as an imaginary friend by Archi (back when Rukk said he did not want the party to know of his cousin) is found tied to the tree eviscerated. Blood dripping. Arne notices there was a bump on the back of his head that a person likely knocked him out then tied him up and cut him open. The knife is still on the ground. Arne also detects some coldness around the body.   Archi casts comprehend on the Turtle to understand what happened. Turtle was screaming because it witnessed everything. That’s what the burgeater heard. They see an image of a smoky portal of cold, sees Rukk’s cousin converses with some elfin seems to be a female with sharp features but they cannot hear what was being said because Turtle doesn’t understand common. The elf is pale skin and hair, practically white, bringing out an elfin dagger and gets to work, so Turtle panics and goes into the shell so the vision ends.   Magnar goes to get the druids to help locate the portal. Burgeaters help Rukk bury the cousin. Emma returns with Magnar and the druids, indicating that the portal led to the Shadowfell. The journal that was found by the body appeared to belong to Arne. It is mostly blank but there was something scribbled in it and a page torn out, so they try to figure out what was imprinted on the previous page with charcoal. It says that the person who came through was an elf, they hid the bag of holding near the knife and it belongs to the high elf family. Check the note what the kenku has but nothing is shown that can help us about the Black Elf city in the Scandes (mountain range) and there is something with the Cloak of Darkest Night.   There’s some kind of inscription on the end of the knife and there is a bag by the knife. Fancy and strange. There is a clasp at one corner built in. Rukk tries to dump it out but it’s completely empty so they decide to keep it.   Arne goes and gets himself some new shiny armour from the Ludger Forge.

Rewards Granted

One Bag of Holding, and for Rukk an ancient Ankh.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Stormthrower Bloodaxe
Chaotic Good Human (Norse warlock raider for hire across the continent)
Warlock 3
21 / 21 HP
Fleec Snow
Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP
Reolus Rhin
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
09 Aug 2024


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