Session 10: Shadowy Gig Report

General Summary

A traveler spots a body being carried. It seems like a birdman with feathers. The body is all wrapped up in a cloth covering most of the body. It seems that the body is still fresh. Various guards are helping with transporting the body. A birdman is carrying the body while looking depressed.     The traveler is a dwarf without shoes wearing a religious garb, he carries 2 heavy chains that come together in a stone from which hangs a hammer. He introduces himself as Molgr to Archi.     Archi convinces the dwarf to join the group, promising to help the dwarf in the future with his quest.     The dwarf joins the procession and gives a few words. Afterwards Arne decides to go eat something. Chicken stew or anything else chicken related at the Inn.     Meanwhile Archi introduces Molgr to Anselma, Emme Duckthorn, and Magnar.     Anselma asks about the person that Molgr is looking for, a traveling merchant with birght red hair, wearing different rings, highly decorated rings. Anselma explains that she will ask the council to keep an eye out for a traveling merchant.     Molgr takes a small walk around the town getting information about merchants and stuff. After a short stroll he comes to the Inn which Arne is eating some chicken.     A half-orc approaches Moglr, and he promises to keep an eye out for the merchant. The half-orc points to the halfling in the corner and explain that the halfling can help also. Molgr notices a small design on the half-ork. A bag holding money. Baldwin the inn keeper has the same small design.     A couple of man enter the inn and head up to their room. They sound Elvish.     After the group goes up, the half-orc loudly announces that it's time to start drinking.     Molgr goes to the bar after the group heads up, and asks for a room. After getting a room Molgr goes up to the room and comes across the 2 Elvish sounding man.     The Elvish speaking males explain that they finished a job carrying heavy stones for some douchebag. The big stones seemed to be tied to something religious. Which seems to be some bad religious thing.     The douchebag is looking for his daughter. Molgr hears them mentioning something like stupid redhead.     After the 2 go to sleep, Molgr brands them and heads back to the house, later that night Arne returns home and finds Annabel in his bed. But Annabel was an illusion spell.     The next morning the groups gets up and the portal is ready, it only needs a password set. The group sets the password Nest that will allow the group to open the portal.     Archi enters the portal first, followed by Arne and last Molgr. Once trough the room seems similar. It feels colder compared to what we came from. The colors are faded.     A name seems to be wiped out. The group see a bunch of Kenku playing knocklebone.     The kenku mention that some Shadr-kai came out of the house, they were part of the bladed pouch.   Not knowing what the Bladed pouch is, Arne asks what it is. The kenku respond that it's the tavern. The Kenku are afraid of the Shadr-kai.     The group just comes outside the blade and pouch tavern. Different elves with coaks on are going around. The tavern isn't as lively as they are used. Once inside they speak to the inn keeper after Arne treathens them a bit with purple fire.     The Elf spoke with an accent. The Elf went out of the backdoor about half an hour ago. They were talking about some old writing. Something about a place or an item, arguing about an old city in the Scandes mountain range of black elf, and an item they had in the city.     Arne throws a gold coin to the inn keeper and the inn keeper warns to disappear before the authorities come.     Out the back the group finds a dead shadr-kai getting eaten by some mastives. Archi heals the woman and the woman explains that she was looking for information about a city high up in the scandes mountain range. The city was owned by black elves before it was overrun by kobolds and a dragon. My master (I don't know his name) is a high-elf from your world.     All I know is that there is a village with a hidden path towards this old city. We think it was your old village. We heard you had arrived in Eschbach. The High-elf had the suspiciouns that you came from there because of your accent. And the high-elf's daughter, we're sure she's around Eschbach. The kobolds where killed by an ancient white dragon, my master wanted to find the cloak of darkest night.       The group head home after getting the information.     Arne gets a nightly visit from Reolus, teasing Arneā€¦     When Arne and Molgr wake up, they notice Archi is gone. After a small discussion they find out that the portal to the shadow world has been opened. Once trough the portal they hear something from the SE. A shadown mastif is on a leash held by a Shadr-kai with a short and a sheet. Holding the dog back and 2 other Shard-kai wearing light armor with long black cloaks with hoods have Archi tied to a tree. Questioning him in Elvish.     Arne and Molgr approach them and at some point Arne calls out, ah hey you guys found my pet.     After returning they chastise Archi a bit and afterwards they close the portal.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Stormthrower Bloodaxe
Chaotic Good Human (Norse warlock raider for hire across the continent)
Warlock 3
21 / 21 HP
Fleec Snow
Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP
Reolus Rhin
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
16 Aug 2024


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