Session 11: New Leads Report

General Summary

Magnar wakes up early in the morning waking up alone in bed. Anselma was called to the groove to the West, a young woman came through from the feywild looking confused.   Seadh wakes up in the groove surrounded by priests and Burgeaters. A redheaded Elf looks around at the priests and the Burgeaters. A young woman comes up the female redheaded Elf asking who the Elf is. The young woman introduces herself as Emma Duckthorn.   The Elf is looking around wondering what this place is. Magnar is called to the groove, at which point Magnar tries to meet the Elf woman. The Elf woman is rapidly switching languages trying to find a common language.     The woman makes it clear that she suddenly woke up there. Visibly anxious trying to hide her emotions. Magnar sortof ignores it and gives Shillelagh a tour.     Seadh sees the 3 animals in the groove, the dragon wormling, the griffon, and the wyvern. Afterwards Magnar shows Seadh around the tiny village of Eschbach.       Meanwhile Archi and Arne are in a shadowy room adorned with a throne. The throne is covered in stone ravens, a voice from the other side of the throne says that she's been watching both Archi and Arne, She's impressed with Arne standing up to the guards the last time. If he's willing to take one of the sone raven feathers the owner of the voice allows it to be used for a small favor. To use it one time. If you're ever back at your home village up North I'll smooth it over to help you get back in the good grace of the Jarl, up near the destroyed black elf city which she hopes that Arne's friends might help in the future.     Archi has balls coming back into the feywild. I can help you with one low level spell (conjuration or necromancy), up to level 3. I can see the touch of the dark fey in your, either the people in the SW of Brittainy or the NW just beyond the Frankish empire there are people there that can contact a being that is usually against myself, but may be able to help you out with dealing with your coven issue with information. You have to ask for the druids to contact Morgana le Fey.     Molgr wakes up and starts praying, hearing someone knocking on the door. Deciding to not open it. At some point Magnar knocks too hard, and knocks a hole into the door. Magnar as accompanied by an Elvish woman.   Arne asks if Magnar had to knock that hard to make a dent into the door (which Arne cast minor illusion on). After a few seconds someone comes up and asks out loud, oh my what happened to the door? A familiar halfling is standing at the door. The one that usually acts like a bouncer saying that he has a note for Adeline, well you know what my group is like… Takes out a pair of glasses to look at a paper, asking to look at some mold.     Arne tells him go right ahead, there's enough mold in the basement…     Once the halfling goes down the stairs into the basement, he meets Molgr. The halfling hands Molgr a paper from Baldwin represented by a pouch and a hand (insignia of the Thieves of Frankia). They are the only ones in and around Eschbach for being a legitimate thief guild. The thieves is allowed and protected by the crown. Fighting against the bladed pouch. Molgr finding out that the thieves guild isn't making legitimate money, cuts the conversation short and closes the door.     The paper mentions that the guards caught a spy to the North end of the town which recently has been renovated a bit near the tower that is used as a local library. A young woman with red hair looking around near the evening trying to enter the tower. But Nine prevented her from going down the tower to the library but she was still prowling around an hour afterwards. Which triggered the guards.     After some discussion Magnar takes the illusion contained defective door to the woodworkers to get repaired. The woodworkers accept the door and mention that they will place it back in 1 piece.   They let them through. When descending the stairs, the new party member Seadh offers colorful changing berries to everyone, the same fruits she gave to the guard and healed his arm earlier. Magnar wants to eat one but hesitates as he has questionable thoughts about it due to Archi's previous warnings of eating foods from the Feywild, but when Archi lets him know it's okay for him to eat it, he takes and downs them before Archi quickly changes his mind with doubts. Even still, it's too late, but instead of ill effects, Magnrar feels rejuvenated and full. He is surprised at how filling the small fruits are and is warmly nostalgic about the flavor that has transformed into his favorite berry. He recounts that his mother used to pick Edwistberries from her homeland. Wiping a tear and gazing off into the distance with a melancholic smile, he zones out a bit as Molgr moves forward to interrogate the prisoner.   When done she finds the group standing at the barracks of the Burgeaters. Magnar approaches the guards for a chat. After some time mentioning that "Mold' wants to talk to a prisoner.   The Burgeaters bring the group to the woman that got caught. Allowing the group to question her, but mentioning that any information should be shared with the Burgeaters.     The group interrogates the imprisoned woman. Seadh charms the prisoner and gains information on how to contact the merchant. The Merchant seems to be in the Alps about 4 days travel from Eschbach.     Archi gives the prisoner his changing berry that he got from Seadh.     Afterwards Molgr talks to the head honcho of the guards, trying to lower the sentence that is given to the prisoner. The chief explaining about the sensitive information inside the tower. The group pays the head of the guard to keep her locked up with some money. With which Moglr hopes that the merchant comes to save the woman.     The warconstruct Nine who guards the library meets the party from which he recognizes Magnar. After some conversation Nine suggests the group heads down the tower to the hidden basement which is the groups objective to check if it's safe. Molgr is concerned that it isn't safe.       Nine explains about the ancient magic and the fire in the Central Massif. An ancient coffin and other horrors.     After some story time, the group decides to continue to go further down via the crack in the wall.     Archi conjures his familiar which relays that there is a cavern to the right and a split between the sides of about 2miles with smooth ex-lava type rocks…     Archi's familiar saw a camp on the other side via which the group can enter the big cavern/crack. The camp looked like it was destroyed by some creature. Various tents where destroyed, no visible bodies though so it must have been a long long time since it was attacked.     The group decides to head home and rest/sleep.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Stormthrower Bloodaxe
Chaotic Good Human (Norse warlock raider for hire across the continent)
Warlock 3
21 / 21 HP
Fleec Snow
Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP
Reolus Rhin
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
23 Aug 2024


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