Session 13: A wee trip into Wynsumheord Report

General Summary

Sceadu comes up to the burgeater Rikard with a letter for Magnar. Rikard knocks on Magnar's door, and shows the visitor. The visitor explains that they have a letter from their father, after handing it over. Magnar out of hospitality invites Rikard in.   Magnar get Rikard to follow and heads out. Outside they see Alice throwing stones at targets. Magnar gets asked to throw a rock. Magnar explains that he has some important news of his homeland and introduces Rikard to Alice. Magnar knocks on the house and once Arne opens the door, Magnar explains that havadar (Mangar's) father has called upon Magnar to do the Mundbyrdian (sort of militairy service) in Drytenhaven in Wynsumheord.     Magnar has the idea of showing to his father what he is doing and hoping to be allowed to do the duty in Eschbach. He's requesting the group to come with him to show that Magnar is doing fine in the hopes Magnar can stay at least a few more months in Eschbach.     Arne requests some more information about how long they'll be staying there and how long they need to travel. Only to be met with 14-16 days in total including travel-time, and mentions a letter. At which point Arne asks about the letter. Magnar mentions the letter from his dad asking for Magnar to come home and do his Mundbyrdian and to allow him to meet Magnar's friends.     Afterwards the group head to the Eschbach shields to get some breakfast and snacks for the roads. Archie joins the group in the inn, and agrees to join Magnar and the rest.     After eating they decide to move towards the portal. On the way Alice buys a shield from a merchant, and a sling to shoot rocks, and some ingredients for goodberries.     Afterwards the group heads to the portal.     Archi asks about the rules for crossing over, which Magnar tempers and the group heads trough the portal.     After receiving a short tour of the new world from Magnar they come to small house, once at the small house Magnar knocks on the door and his father Havadir opens the door.     Rikard comes up and give Havadir a hand. Magnar introduces Rikard. Archibald starts to introduce himself, saying that he's glad to meet Syndri, at which point Magnar starts laughing, at which point Magnar explains that Havardir is Magnar's father, at which point Archi stumbles more and says hello father.     Arne uses his Kenku ability to mimic Havadir's voice, using it to introduce Arne as a majestic bird. This confuses the people around a bit, but they soon continued on.   The group enters the small house and take a seat.     Havardir mentions that the Mundbyrdian's have been missing Magnar, requesting Magnar to do one last patrol to be allowed to return to Eschbach. Havardir tells the group to meet Syndri and afterwards go on patrol. Syndri also has prepared the rations.     The group heads out the house and goes to meet Syndri where Magnar introduces the group to Syndri. After meeting the group they go pick up the rations which Syndri prepared.     After getting some horses and food, they ride.     While on patrol they hear a vague scream for help, at which point Arne mentions that it wasn't him that time.     The group heads towards the sound with Rikard up front. Once close they see an old man lying on the group holding his stomach while in pain. The man keeps coughing as an ailing man.     The man explains the ingredients that are needed as follows:       The first is three pinches of sacred sand from a Grotig Pyrran's burrow mixed with a sweet drop of cactus dew.     The second is a leaf of Nissi from the Firgenholt Wood… and not just any leaf of Nissi. It has to be one that grows split naturally. Not a leaf that was manually cut by man. If this is done, the potion will not be effective, I assure you. I will know the difference. Trust me, I will. It will be a complete and utter waste of your time and mine, so, I suggest you not do such a thing.     The third is a sliver of crystal-clear purple Ufane. This can only be found deep in the Forest Caverns of Taungoun. I warn you to beware the tricky Dwarves that dwell there.     And the last is a handful of melted snow from Mount Gardinbeauf’s highest peak.       Archi makes a contract on the suggestion of Arne with the old man named Achaicus. After the contract has been signed, they received 5 gold coins each.         The Grotig Pyrran is in Cloddanvale. The mountain peak Gardingbeaufs is in Toungoun.     The group decides to go to the desert first and foremost. As that is closest, skipping the market as they don't think it will have the ingredients they need.     The group is unable to find any traces of the thing they are looking for in the desert. But at one point Rikard finds a few prints in the sand which seems like the prints they are looking for based on the description of Syndri. Magnar confirms the type of track.     The group comes across an Orange-Ridged Boa, which Alice asks if it can find a Grotig Pyrran. The snake answers yes and brings the group to a place where they can find the Grotig Pyrran.     Alice decides to sneak up to the nest, Archi starts walking towards the nest, and Rikard suddenly shows up behind the Grotig Pyrran. Afterwards the Grotig Pyrran snars to Rikard. Rikard attacks the Grotig Pyrran.     Rikard will grab some sand from the nest and start to clean his sword.     Leaving the nest area they head back to the horses and find some cactus dew to mix with the sand.     After reaching the woods, Arne gets tripped by Rikard at which point he sees the split. Archi goes back to pick the leaf. At which point Rikard hears the Danuwa moving around.     There are 15 angry spear wielding Danuwa approaching the group which are confronted by Rikard and Magnar. Followed by Arne while Alice hides and Archi continues to pick leafs.     Rikard tries to sell his services to the Danuwa.     Once the situation defuses the party continues on via horse for the last 2 ingredients.     Hey find a dwarf which brings the group to the entrance of a cavern. Once inside the group finds the crystal-clear purple Ufane.     Once they leave the cavern the group heads up the mountain. Partway up the highest mountain they get some snow (they agree they don't need to go up to the top).     After taking some time to go up the mountain and playing with the snow, Rikard and Archi pick some snow and head down the mountain. Once down the group takes a nice quick nap and heads back to find the old man.     After giving the old man the ingredients, he starts to cast a spell:     Egg of frog and wart of toad, Blade of grass and mushroom mold, Purple ufane, just a shard, Sacred sand that’s sweet and charred, Water from the river blue, Nissi leaf all split in two, Snow from north-most mount on high, Let the smoke rise to the sky! Envelop me in flames so warm, Thou shalt behold my truest form!!!!     After shouting the spell, it turns into a Scussenbeast.     A heavy fight ensues and after slaying the Scussenbeast, Rikard takes the head and the group decides to give the head to Havardir. Moving back to the house, Magnar tells a story of having to fight the Scussenbeast for 3 days. His father visibly impressed agrees to allow Magnar to stay in Eschbach.       The members got 40 gold each in total for this session.   Archi has gained allot of pungent leaves.

Rewards Granted

35 gold each
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Stormthrower Bloodaxe
Chaotic Good Human (Norse warlock raider for hire across the continent)
Warlock 3
21 / 21 HP
Fleec Snow
Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP
Reolus Rhin
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
06 Sep 2024


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