Shaft to the Crucified

At the last remaining part of the Cavern of the Crucified is an old worn magma tube. It has been reworked in part and is already at a 45 degree angle between the Cavern & the region below. It has had a set of steps, and railing like parts added to the sides. About two average sized people can fit in side to side. The tube is partially blocked at the top due to a partial cave-in, but passible. The cave-in makes it difficult to see at first.


A lava tube at 45 degreeĀ  angle leading from the Caverns of the Crucified down to another cavern down below. Has steps carved into floor and railings carved into sides. Cracks here and there due to subsidence. Leads down to other cavern region.


Markings here and there of life, usually mosses, lichens & fungi. Troglodytes sometimes come up and down to hunt in the region. Very warm, with a reek of brimstone / rotten eggs, and the odd smell of bodily excretions, and rot.

Localized Phenomena

Sometimes water condenses in puddles & drips down. Rarely, volcanic gasses build up and there is potential for it to burn off, or do acidic damage to lifeforms not suited for life in the caverns.

Fauna & Flora

Mosses, lichen, fungi, and Troglodytes are found throughout the region.


The shaft is part of the larger complex of the Caverns of the Crucified, in the Central Massif area, joining two caverns together.
Underground / Subterranean
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