


Legendary Requires Attunement

Fly. Sharur can fly at supersonic speed taking 5 1d10 minutes at most, to return to it's wielder's hand. It can be thrown as well, having a range of 30/80.   Communicate. Sharur can communicate telepathically with it's wielder when held, or within 15 ft of them. It can carry out simple movements of it's own when instructed, and will let the wielder know where it is if left somewhere else.   Magical. Sharur is a +3 magical weapon.   Demon Killer. Sharur causes double damage to creatures with the Fiend keyword.

Sharur is a bronze mace that was used in Sumerian times. At one time it was used by the Sumerian god Ninurta to kill the ferocious demon called Asag. It's name means "Smasher of Thousands" and is thought to be lost somewhere in the old Mesopotamian region. It is also thought of to be a demon killer.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8 Bludgeoning 30/120

Cost: 500000gp
Weight: 4 lb

Cover image: by Mike Myler


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