
Shield-Maidens are female Scandinavian warriors who are trained in the arts of war. Not as extensively encountered as their male counterparts they are usually just as capable, and are found in units by themselves, or mixed with the men into units. Each has had the same training & equipment as men. This can range in leather and/or chainmail armour, with a leather or metal helmet in some instances, standard Scandinavian shield, spears, longswords, axes, long knives / Seaxes, and/or bows.   Most other cultures are shocked at times to find this, as most have a male only military structure. Sometimes they are viewed as being only trained to protect the household while the men are of raiding, exploring or hunting. The training means they can duel, fight in a unit, and act as part of a shield wall when necessary. It is believed that when a shield-maiden dies in battle, Odin will receive her as a Valkyrie and task her with recovering the souls of the dead for transport to Valhalla, or to become another Valkyrie.


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