Siege Specialists

Many armies will contain a few specialists in siege warfare. These specialists are usually given one of a couple of specific tasks to perform with other military units stopping escape, and helping putting pressure on the enemy.   The first is sappers. These rare individuals usually have some degree of mining experience, and burrow under walls and other defences. At this stage they are very rare, as most defences are wooden in structure. They try to demolish structures from below by creating fires or flooding to weaken the earthworks & buildings above, and cause the tunnels to collapse, making space above. Also, if dug to the right point, other troops can follow, and get into parts of the enemy structure, where they carry out raids, and cause as much damage as possible.   The second is the building of siege equipment. These include siege towers & ladders, battering rams, and in rare cases, trebuchets. The former is towers on wheels, and covered in wet hides to stop them catch fire, while ladders are just extended to reach the top of walls. They are used for units to climb up and scale enemy walls. In the case of siege towers, they can be used to get more troops up quickly with a modicum of protection. Battering rams are used to directly attack the doors, of walls if a weakness is spotted. Following a similar build to siege towers, the battering rams are usually a large wooden beam mounted on a structure with wheels & covered in wet hides. A group of soldiers push it into position, and then swing the beam back & forth to try to smash their way inside. Trebuchets are exceedingly rare, being more used against stone fortifications. A few has been used against major fortifications in the Middle East, and into the Far East. Towering warmachines, they are used to fling heavy duty payloads indirectly at or over defensive obstacles. Not much used at present outside of these regions it is only a matter of time.


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