Snake Venom Item in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Snake Venom

Snake Venom



Highly Toxic. Snake venom causes horrible damage leading to 19 3d12 poison damage. A victim also has to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, with a failed saving throw causing the following effects:
  • the victim is poisoned, and rendered incapacitated for 6 1d12 hours.
  • they take 3 1d6 poison damage, and 3 1d6 necrotic damage every hour during this period.
  • for the remainder of a 24 hour period when these effects wear off (and alive), they make all rolls with disadvantage.
  • they are forced to roll a DC 15 Constitution saving throw at the end of this period, and a fail results in lowering their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution by 1 permanently.
The only way to avoid this is prompt healing medicine or magic, or barring that, a Wish spell. A successful save initially will prevent these effects taking no more than the basic poison damage.   Possible Spell Component. At the DMs discretion, this can be used as a specific spell component when appropriate.

Snake venom is usually dried, then rubbed onto a weapon, or ingested by a victim. Highly toxic, it will usually do horrendous damage to a victim before running it's course, if not kill quickly. Multiple compounds in it damages different parts of the body, with different levels spread throughout the different species of snake.

Rarely used outside of the Yuan-Ti, anyone caught with it without a good reason are in for stiff penalties. Also, because of the nature of it, it is quite expensive, and only the bravest (or foolish) try to milk a snake for its venom.

Cost: 500 gp
Weight: 1 lb

Item type


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