Snake Venom Material in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Snake Venom

Snake venom is usually dried, then rubbed onto a weapon, or ingested by a victim. Highly toxic, it will usually do horrendous damage to a victim before running it's course, if not kill quickly. Multiple compounds in it damages different parts of the body, with different levels spread throughout the different species of snake.   Rarely used outside of the Yuan-Ti, anyone caught with it without a good reason are in for stiff penalties. Also, because of the nature of it, it is quite expensive, and only the bravest (or foolish) try to milk a snake for its venom.


Material Characteristics

Usually in a liquid state, and sometimes dried to make it have a longer storage time. It is usually a milky white or cream colour.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Highly toxic, usually warmish when first retrieved, and liquid.


Neurotoxins, Cytotoxins, and Myotoxins are regularly found in different levels in each snake species.

Origin & Source

Found in snakes.

Life & Expiration

Usually no more than a few days unless dried out, then can last a few weeks.

History & Usage


Snakes have had a sinister reputation for millions of years, and most species are frightened of them. The Yuan-Ti are the only beings who seem to have any connection to snakes and their venom in a 'good' way. They are he only empire to actively encourage the use of snake venom and their expertise in it has led many down a dark path over the millennia to learn the best snake venom to use.

Everyday use

As a form of poison to carry out assassinations.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Snakes & snake venom is justly feared by all other life and many cultures worship snakes in many different forms & reasons.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Snake bodies can be turned into food, and the skin turned into leather.


The venom is highly dangerous and avoided by most.
"Ahh now, snake venom. Now that's powerful stuff. Wouldn't use it unless necessary, even in spell casting. Some of those ancient spells we found require it, but getting it is dangerous. You can only get it on the black market, a specialist, or get it yourself. And you have to know what type of snake too.   In every case, there's no truly safe way to do what they refer to as milking, and the largest snakes I hear don't even produce venom. They crush you to death instead of poisoning. Lost a colleague in Siam that way. Better than the other who didn't handle that cobra right. Was blinded then bit. Took him a day or two to die. Fitting, frothing at the mouth, and eventually stopped breathing. Horrible stuff.   Now you know why I don't like using it."   Emon Kanis, talking to Burrich the Forest Gnome Wizard.
Common State
Liquid or solid.


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