Soporific Musk

Soporific Musk



Dulled Euphoria. When heated or ingested the soporific musk gives the user a euphoric sensation, and a dullness to all senses. It gives disadvantage to all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma rolls (including saves, and proficiency rolls). At the same time, it gives the creature a bonus in temporary hit points of 2d10 . This lasts for 1d20 hours.   Suggestibility. A creature under the effects can be more open to suggestions, so another creature can get advantage all Charisma & Wisdom roll of all types against the drugged creature. This lasts for 1d20 hours.   Vivid Hallucinations. The creature affected has extreme hallucinations for 1d10 hours afterwards so disturbing and disorientating, that they are unaffected by any attack or spell with the Psionic keyword.   Sensate to the Extreme. The creature becomes hypersensitive to some type of stimulation during this trip that they become addicted to it, craving more of the experience. Roll below to work out what this is:
d6 Sensation
1 Damaging Pain. Any time the creature takes damage, they gain 1d4 temporary hit points in addition to any other temporary hit points.
2 Pleasure of the Flesh. The creature becomes addicted to sexual acts, sometimes with extreme kinks with it. This comes with a minus to Charisma when dealing with others, creating a penalty to Charisma proficiencies ( 1d4 ).
3 Extreme Glutton. The creature becomes addicted to drink and food, requiring double the amount of food & drink to be sated. They have to continuously adjust their clothing, armour, and equipment to fit them, costing 2d100 gps a month to carry out he adjustments.
4 Hypersensitive Sense. One of the creature's senses is constantly driven into overdrive. Any roll involving this sense has advantage. Any attack done on the creature using an attack on the sense, causes double damage.
5 Torturer Extreme. The creature turns extremely sadistic, and will look to cause extreme agony on any opponent it can. It gets a +1d6 damage on any melee attacks, at the price of -1 to Charisma (Persuasion) rolls.
6 Excessively Vain. The creature becomes arrogant in the extreme, coveting wealth & power over others. They get a +1 to all Charisma (Intimidate) rolls, but at the expense of stealing & even murder to gain further wealth & power.
The effect above is permanent, and nothing short of a Wish spell or blessing of a god will rid the creature of it.   Extremely Addictive. The creature who takes this usually craves more of this compound, and ends up addicted. They will resort to other drugs to fill the void, but nothing compares. The creature ends up with 1 level of exhaustion a day until more drugs are took. These remove one level of exhaustion. Taking the Soporific Musk again completely removes the effects of a exhaustion.

The Soporific Musk is one of the most dangerous drugs in existence. It creates a sense of euphoria with the general dullness of the senses for  up to a few hours. Extremely addictive many who have tried it constantly seeks to try to gain the same euphoria. They usually resort to other drugs but nothing compares to it. After a while the addict will die without it. Either way, the effect is devastating, even trying it the once alters the creature on a neurological level permanently.

Most who try it seems to crave sensations far beyond any mortal can withstand. It rewires their nervous system in such a way, most can't control the sudden rush. Ever after the creature will try to find stimulation in any number of ways to bring the rush back, all the while they get strange dreams of a being calling them saying that only it or its servants can satisfy their every vice, even for a short while.

What many don't know is the source of the Musk. It is given off in clouds from creatures called Fiends of Slaanesh, demonic entities from another dimension. They extrude it naturally through modified sweat glands, and use it to subdue opponents of themselves & their masters. All fiends, and their masters, are immune to the effects of it, yet mortals aren't, especially Elves. It seems that the Elves are somehow linked to these creatures, how, nobody truly knows. A disturbing fact remains, is that the Elvish races seem to produce trace amounts of the same substance, and if enough are killed and their hormonal glands (especially in the brains of them), a slightly weaker version is able to be synthesised producing the same effects.

Most creatures either ingest it, or inhale it in gaseous form. The latter by burning it if no fiend is present to produce it naturally.

Cost: 500000gp
Weight: 0.1 lb

Item type


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