Spider Venom Item in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Spider Venom

Spider Venom



Venom - Neurotoxin. The spider venom is neurotoxic acting very quickly on the nervous system, causing 16 3d10 poison damage, and causing the victim to be poisoned. Also, the victim has to make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, with a fail making the victim suffer from paralysis. This can last 2 1d4 hours and take a further 7 2d6 poison damage every hour. At the end of the time, the victim has to make a further saving throw of the same type to avoid a permanent 2  1d4 reduction on their Dexterity Stat. If successful at the initial save they only suffer the initial poison damage.   Venom - Cytotoxin. The spider venom is necrotic in nature, causing 16 3d10 poison damage, and causing the victim to make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a fail, the victim take a further 7 2d6 necrotic damage over the course of 2 1d4 hours, and forced to make a further saving throw at the end of this time. A fail means they take a permanent 1 1d4-1 damage to their Constitution, and 1 1d4-1 to Charisma. If successful at the initial save then only the poison damage is taken.   Possible Spell Component. Spider venoms can be used as a possible spell component if allowed at the DMs discretion.

Spider venoms are dangerous. Depending on the species of spider they either inject a neurotoxin to paralyse their prey or enemy, or a cytotoxin to break down soft tissue. The former acts pretty quick, while the latter can be slow acting. Both are painful though.

Different types are found throughout the world, and the source can vary. Nearly every environment except the deep oceans & Artic have some type around. Most cultures have encountered these animals and know full well the danger their venom can be.

Cost: 5 gp
Weight: 0.5 lb

Item type


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