Standard Militia Units

Militia units are found in settlements & regions that have a high enough population to form them. Militia are a secondary line of defence & military unit. They are armed & armoured by the leaders of a community, and are regularly drawn from local people. They are common throughout many lands & peoples, with the latter being not just humans, but Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes & Halflings to name a few. Each has their own particular style of equipment, training, and markings. In many regions they also fall under control of the military, and act as superior units to levies, but lesser units to men-at-arms. Each will use the banner of the local nobility to show their loyalty. Most have chain shirts, metal helmets, spears, and either a shortsword or axe as a backup weapon, and sometimes a shield. Many serve a portion of a year, five years, or a decade (or longer for long lived species), as a militia member, and regularly have a job outside of this service. When needed, they can be recalled out of retiring from service to fight. Also, when not at war, many serve as a ad-hoc policing body, dealing with crime & enforcing local laws & customs. They are expected to maintain their own equipment, and any repair or replacement items can be requested from their masters. Sometimes a sergeant-at-arms will lead units of these on missions or the battlefield, lending an experienced hand to them. A few nations have a permanent militia in placed, staffed with well drilled & competent troops. Such nations include some Mountain Dwarf clans, and the Franks being a human example.


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