Tetrodotoxin Item in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil




Very Rare

Highly Toxic. Tetrodotoxin is highly dangerous doing 19 3d12 poison damage, plus leaves the victim both poisoned and paralysed. Also, they have to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, which failed leads them to take a further 7 2d6 poison damage over the next 2 1d4 hours. The paralysis can lead to further damage requiring a further DC 17 Constitution saving throw every hour to avoid suffocating, taking 7 2d6 necrotic damage. A successful save means the victim takes the initial poison damage, and remains poisoned for one hour.   Possible Spell Component. At the DM's discretion, tetrodotoxin can be used as a spell component in certain spells.

Tetrodotoxin is found in some aquatic animals, and a few ground animals (puffer fish, some anglerfish, octopi & cuttlefish especially the blue-ringed octopus, dog whelks, moon snails, several starfish, xanthid crabs, arrow worms, ribbon worms, and polyclad flatworms).

Highly dangerous it effectively shuts down nerves, especially those that are used for respiration making many appear as if dead when still alive, Indeed, many African voodoo witch doctors use this in potions & spells to create zombies.

Cost: 500 gp
Weight: 0.5 lb

Item type


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