The Yellow Comet Physical / Metaphysical Law in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

The Yellow Comet

The Yellow Comet is a natural phenomena that happens every 100 years that traverses the northern hemisphere. Trapped orbiting the Sun, it is hurled close to Earth at this time, usually no more than one or two years difference.


The comet is trapped in a path that takes it near the Sun every 50 years before being flung out at Earth. This takes another 50 years to complete. By doing so it is warmed by the sun and the tail is left full of amber shards. When it reaches Earth many remaining parts of this strange material is flung to Earth in the northern hemisphere. What doesn't burn up is buried in the upper ground levels awaiting for people to find. At the time this is a great celebration for certain societies that rely on the darker forms of shamanism & the occult. All the amber shards are linked with unknown gods, some containing unborn gods, others empty but still brimming with dark magical energy. Only when manipulated by someone of magical power do the full potential of the amber comes to be. Thankfully this is rare though as most who collect it isn't strong enough or know of the full potential of the amber and disaster is avoided.   Most who view the comet pass by can also use it with the use of Divination magic, meditation and/or hallucinogens to contact powerful otherworldly beings. Many who have done this feels the connection to be stronger the closer the comet is. Many of those tuned to using these techniques can feel it before it is visible in the sky, and they feel as if the gods themselves are calling, along with the ancestors and animal spirits. They plan for the next 100 years when it returns.
"It's an old story that. A comet of pure amber and ice that floats between us and the Sun. I've never seen it or experienced it myself, but it doesn't mean it's false. There could be any number of things floating up there in the heavens that we just don't know about. As long as those who do use this for divination or other magics don't tap into anything harmful, I'd just leave it alone. Only a minority seems to actively believe."   Emon Kanis. Court wizard for Emperor Charlemagne, advising him that the rumour of such a comet is due in the next two to three years (602 / 803 AD).

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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